Posts Tagged ‘Tomato Chutney’

Tamatar Ki Chutney

July 25, 2007

Tomato Chutney is one of among the many dishes that you can prepare and store in air-tight plastic food storage boxes in your refrigerator for days together. It has a very long life if used with care and can be had as a side dish along with many things.

Tomato chutney is spicy, tangy, and this is the reason it is complimentary to almost all other dishes as a side-dish. My Mom was an expert and she always made the perfect Tomato chutney. I have never tasted a Tomato chutney as tasty as hers. I remember one of my cousin sister who used to come to live with us when I was a kid. She used to lick her fingers endlessly after having that chutney and would appreciate my Mom for the culinary treasures she possessed. I’m proud I got to learn from her the procedures of some of her known dishes.

Fresh Ripe Tomatoes and Tamatar Ki Chutney – Tomato Chutney 

Its spicy, its tangy, its tasty, a perfect Indian Chutney. You can have this as a side dish or with any of your favourite Manchuria’s or snacks you love. Go ahead and try it out.

Tamatar Ki Chutney – Tomato Chutney

Serves : 6


  • Tomatoes (fresh) – 4, large, red and ripe, washed and diced
  • Green chillies – 4, washed and slit
  • Red chilli powder – 2 tsp
  • Salt – 2 1/2 tsp
  • Canola/Vegatable/Sunflower Oil – 2 tbsp
  • Cumin seeds/Zeera – 1 tsp
  • Black Mustard seeds/Rai – 1 tsp
  • Garlic pods – 3, large, each cut into two
  • Turmeric porder – 1/4 tsp
  • Curry leaves (fresh) – 6 leaves


  • In a saucepan, add the chopped tomatoes and the red chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt and and give it a nice stir. Cover and let it cook for about 5 minutes, stirring it occasionally, until the tomatoes are all mushy. With the help of a wooden spoon, you can press the tomatoes to the sides of the pan while stirring it so that it gets pulpy.
  • Meanwhile, pour oil in a pan at medium heat and as soon as its warm, throw in the black cumin seeds and mustard seeds. Cover with a splatter screen and as the seeds begin to pop, add the curry leaves and the cut garlic pods as well and stir for about 30 more seconds until the galic pods are slightly reddish in colour. (Be careful, it splatters a lot and the oil will be hot!). This is the baghaar, or the tempering. Remove from heat and keep aside.
  • When the tomatoes are all cooked and pulpous, add the baghaar and mix well. Cook for 3-5 more minutes. Later, let cool, and serve.

Tip: You can store Tomato Chutney in an air tight glass jar in the refrigerator for almost a week. or freeze it in (microwavable) food storage boxes for months together. When you want to have it, just microwave it for a few seconds or if you do not have a microwave, leave it outside at room temperature for a few hours and its ready to serve.

Suggested Accompaniments: ChickenDum Biryani, Gosht Ki BiryaniTarkaari Ki Biryani, Qubuli or Tahari(Minced Meat Rice)
